

A tribute to one of the toughest and most fearless Stone Greasers ever, Larry “Larkin” Morris, the leader of the north side group of the Insane Popes. The man that added the “Insane” to the Insane Pope name and the man that didn’t drink, didn’t do drugs and was a hell of a leader for young men in need, a true Stone Greaser whose life was prematurely ended at the age of 19 when he was shot to death trying to chase rival gang members

A tribute to one of the toughest and most fearless Stone Greasers ever, Larry “Larkin” Morris, the leaser of the north side group of the Insane Popes. The man that added the “Insane” to the Insane Pope name and the man that didn’t drink, didn’t do drugs and was a hell of a leader for young men in need, a true Stone Greaser whose life was prematurely ended at the age of 19 when he was shot to death trying to chase rival gang members